So, I looked up the word 'resolution' in Webster's Dictionary, and guess what? It says it's "the act or process of resolving: such as the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones, the act of answering, or the act of determining. Sounds a bit like my daily decision-making process, right?

Now, about New Year's resolutions – let's be honest, I'm not the best at sticking to them. My dedication is like trying to keep a cat focused on a math problem. But here's the thing – I still set goals. And according to the wise words of Tony Robbins, "Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment"

So, this year, I resolve to pursue my goals. Some might end up like my plant collection (a bit neglected), some might grow like my Amazon wishlist, and some might flourish like my love for pizza

So in 2024, the goals will be simple. First, travel less but make each adventure more fulfilling. Second, finish the stories that I'm working on. Third, drop some weight, specifically 10 lbs. 

For me, it's not just about ticking off goals; it's about the journey, the growth, and, of course, having a laugh along the way.
Here's to a year of semi-committed resolutions and unexpected adventures! 

#NewYearsResolutions #GoalSettingWithAHintOfChaos #TonyRobbinsWisdom